
The Determined Eastern Bluebird

The Determined Male Bluebird By Mary J Williams © The weather has been cold Below the freezing mark We have had snow It hasn’t been a walk in the park I feed the birds But in weather like this I have to put more out Otherwise, the birds will miss I have one feeder With a Starling guard on it Chickadees, Titmouse, sparrows and more In and out the cage, they don’t quit Now a Red-bellied Woodpecker Is quite a large bird But has a long beak A long tongue I have heard I watched the woodpecker land Held on to the cage Stuck his head in The distance he did gauge He ate for a minute And then he flew away I was amazed He will eat another day I saw the male Bluebird Fighting to get in That cage held him back Little heavy I said with a grin The next time he tried He knew what to do Grabbed onto the cage And pushed himself through The female was watching From high on a roost Wondering how the male did it Without a big boost She couldn’t do it Couldn’t figure out how Male came back He did it again,...

Lacy the Clock

My Clock By Mary J Williams I have a dog Lacy is her name What do you think Is her claim to fame It’s that clock of hers You know what time it is She will star whining Then I start the quiz What? Why are you whining I look at the clock Not time for anything Not time for a walk I know what it is I figured it out I was not in our room Time for her to pout Her alarms go off Several times a day “Not time yet” Is something I say First thing in the morning When it’s time for a treat First alarm rings For something to eat Then it’s around eleven When it’s time for lunch She should know by now Not given things to munch About 1:15 p.m. The whining starts in Supper is at 2 Not time yet, gets to wear thin Then before 3 She starts in again I need to start supper She is such a pain Around 6 p.m. That is final call Want’s those Zuke’s then Picks them up where they fall She follows me around Just outside the door If I’m in the bathroom Will be laying on the floor She is my whiny shadow I love her a l...

Lacy Who Moved Her Bed

 Lacy’s Bed By Mary J Williams Lacy had an accident Peed in the bed I had to wash all the bedding Too much, no more I dread I brought in the bed That Rosebud used to sleep Laid it on the floor Hope Lacy will keep Only took about a week For her to learn The bed was there for her I wasn’t very concerned A week passed And another incident came Lacy peed on the floor Seizures are to blame I got most of the pee up And sprinkled baking soda on Helps with the odors And drying, then pee is gone The bed is on the side Where the side table is placed I have to walk over it It is perfectly spaced Have to climb over To reach the dresser now Just have to be careful Best for Lacy, I vow The baking soda laid there For a couple of days Was going to vacuum it up I didn’t yet, what can I say This morning, I noticed The bed had been moved It covered the soda Lacy wants the area improved Guess I better vacuum Today would be good Later won’t move the bed Don’t think I should 12-4-2024 where the soda was...

Pine Siskin Story

Pine Siskins By Mary J Williams I went to Birds-I-View Just the other day Bought more seed Steve had lots to say Talked about the birds He has seen outside Also, birds he heard But continue to hide Talked about a bird He hasn’t seen yet The little Pine Siskin It won’t be long I bet A dream came up While sleeping in my bed About the Pine Siskin Outside, just ahead Fliting in some vines Hanging from a tree I wanted to take a picture But they saw me They flew away quick As I turned to go inside Hopefully I got my camera But they were gone, I cried. Steve is really lucky I was going to give him a call No phone number for home And no birds at all It was one of my dreams That are so very real I had to write this down A poem to seal the deal 12-4-2024

Mockingbird Again

My Mockingbird Again By Mary J Williams © I saw the Mockingbird In the top of a tree I feel blessed Another picture of he Yes, the males do the songs Trying to find a female He sings many songs Up and down the scales Up in the neighbor’s tree And then he flew away Thought I would see him Some other day Then there he was again Over to another one Going to take a picture Before he is done I take a couple quickly Then he was gone Didn’t see him there And he wasn’t on the lawn They sing way up high They want the world to hear The beautiful songs he sings Hoping a female is near I am glad he returned My camera and I were ready With as much zoom I used I have to hold it steady A couple of great pictures And now one will be on here A watermark of the best I think it’s pretty clear 10-14-2024

Mocking Bird

The Northern Mockingbird By Mary J Williams © I have heard you Singing your song But when I go on the deck You are always gone Where are you Way up in the trees I can’t find you at all It is never easy Saw a bird perching When I went on the deck On the fence post I couldn’t ID it, by heck Went inside the house Grabbed my camera from inside Hoping the bird was still there And didn’t fly off and hide It was still on the fence post Zoomed in to see An Eastern Bluebird He turned and looked at me I got a couple of pictures And then he flew away I heard the song of the Mockingbird Coming my way Looked over to the left And there he was On the neighbor’s birdhouse pole Singing, that’s what he does After a couple of pictures He flew away I figure I would see him On another day I was thrilled to see him I love to hear him sing They have so many songs Songs to the heart he brings 10-14-2024 They are around the house a lot The Northern Mockingbird 
Critters Around my House By Mary J Williams © Out of the corner of my eye I see movement there What could it be It’s something with hair I looked over There is the ground hog He is dark and not moving Looks like a log I’m putting water In my birdbath you see Now the ground hog’s standing up Just looking at me He or she has seen me before There was a small one too Now it’s just the one They look alike so I have no clue What else do I see Chipmunks are around One I see daily By a bag of soil on the ground I got up one morning Day Lilies I planted Were chewed to the ground "It’s the deer!", I chanted Now there are rabbits too And squirrels out there You kind of learn what they eat And not plant them, if you care Sometimes the message is “Deer won’t eat this” They will eat what they want Some plants they dismiss So, yes, I have critters And sometimes I fuss How they aggravate me And sometimes I cuss But those that know me I am a softy at heart Probably won’t do anything Which, I ...