The Determined Eastern Bluebird

The Determined Male Bluebird By Mary J Williams © The weather has been cold Below the freezing mark We have had snow It hasn’t been a walk in the park I feed the birds But in weather like this I have to put more out Otherwise, the birds will miss I have one feeder With a Starling guard on it Chickadees, Titmouse, sparrows and more In and out the cage, they don’t quit Now a Red-bellied Woodpecker Is quite a large bird But has a long beak A long tongue I have heard I watched the woodpecker land Held on to the cage Stuck his head in The distance he did gauge He ate for a minute And then he flew away I was amazed He will eat another day I saw the male Bluebird Fighting to get in That cage held him back Little heavy I said with a grin The next time he tried He knew what to do Grabbed onto the cage And pushed himself through The female was watching From high on a roost Wondering how the male did it Without a big boost She couldn’t do it Couldn’t figure out how Male came back He did it again,...