12:25 A.M. Raccoon Mishap at my House
Bark! That's Chief telling me he has to go outside! Oh, almost forgot, hubby set the live trap for the raccoon that has been eating all our birdseed. I have to check if we caught a raccoon before letting Chief outside! Hubby thought I was leaving the lid off the galvanized can we store the sunflower seed in. I don't think so! Yep, that raccoon was lifting the lid and helping himself. If I forgot to take in the suet, it would all be gone by morning. We have done the live trap before and it's been awhile since the raccoons have visited us. Must be a new population in the area! So, back to the story! I didn't let Chief out, I slipped out the door to see if there was a raccoon already. Yep, there was one. Now to get him down to the truck. Imagine, if you will, a lady in pajama's at 12:30 in the morning, cold and somewhat windy, lifting up a live trap with a raccoon inside. I walked gingerly to the steps and very carefully star...