The Cardinal, The Head and The Dip Net
A few minutes ago I posted on Facebook that it was sleeting. Hubby decided to go see if we had mail. He opened the front door and a male Cardinal was in the lattice by the door and flew in. I heard this "cheep" and thought, "that sounds like a Cardinal". Yep, he flew in and landed on every surface in my computer room. He landed on the Chief's stuff. Not the Cardinals things. I was attempting to catch him with a towel, which didn't work as he flew high and I am not that tall. Jim went and got the dip net. I chased him around, would have the net over him, he would "duck down" and go underneath, and find the next spot to land. Jim was standing at the door. I wish I would have had the time to grab a camera but I was trying to get the bird outside. He flew and landed on Jim's head. So I put the dip net right over the top of bird and head. OMG, I am ROTFL, Talk about funny! I got a hold of the bird in the net. Jim got his head out and I walked ...