Have You Missed the Blog? I Have Missed Writing!
Time flies by! Last blog was September, this is now after middle of November. Not only is my gardening finished for the year but there has been lots been going on! The other day, I walked out to the mailbox. Our weather has been up and down, 30's at night warmer in the daytime. This day it was 65°F with the sun shining. I looked down and there was a small little sunshine in the grass. Little bit of sunshine on the ground! Then today, I was letting the dogs out and, yes, there were several squirrels that went running off away from my dogs. One went up the Pin Oak and sat there while Rosebud looked up and barked at it. The squirrel then ran down the branch to the spindly end, leaped to the Blackhaw tree, ran down a branch went over to the flower crab, got on the fence traveled the fence, went down the fence to the side yard, sat for a minute, then took off to the backyard and over the the far Locust tree on the right side of our property. I am standing on the deck and telling the do...