In the Garden 5-29-2018

I was at the garden at 7 a.m.  There was a slight breeze and it was cooler out. Decided I better hoe around the cucumbers, beets, cabbages and a little by the onions.  I had two buckets one for weeds and one for rocks.  I hoed and picked up rocks. When I got down to the back of our plots, I realized the neighboring plot, behind us, had dumped a bunch of rock by the marker pole.  Lot's of the rocks had slid onto our plot.  Then I looked over and saw broken off weeds laying on our plot too. I was not a happy camper!  Just so happened that she showed up.  I asked her why she was dumping all the rocks. She advised that if she put them in a pile "they" (Parks?) would come pick them up. I don't think so. They sure didn't last year and I just got all those rocks removed and now there are more. She apologized and said she would remove them.  She then told me there was a black snake over in a far tree.  I told her those were the good snakes but me thinks if it appears near her garden it's gonna be a dead snake.  Well, after all this I managed to finish what I started and then watered. Took me about 1/2 hour longer than I planned.  Next stop will be River City Gardens to check on the Medicine Wheel I take care of and put some water (with Miracle Gro) on some plants that were transplanted.

Tomatoes- Beans and Peppers 
Basil coming up good
onions and cabbages and in the distance beets

the pumpkins 

potatoes about to bloom 


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