Trying to beat the heat. LOL! I arrive and couldn't believe what Parks did to the road that splits the garden area. I worked so hard by carrying all my rocks out to that road and put them in all the low spots so everyone wouldn't sink in mud if it rained. That was a lot of rocks. Of course, it was a benefit for my garden to get rid of that many rocks! They took a bulldozer down the length. There was one portion many gardeners worked on. It was the worse spot of all and guess what, it is again. Horrible! You can barely make it through there. My gardening buddy, Teresa, had told me there was wind and rain and the road was junkie so I was kind of prepared. My corn laid over a bit due to the wind but not too bad. First thing was to finish off the weeding between the two rows of tomatoes and the row between tomatoes and the flowers. Then I grabbed my garden cloth and sat down and did the weeding and de-rocking of the back 25 feet of the garden. I did the other 25 foot side before Michigan. Still looks pretty good. We are going to put in some sunflowers so will have to work that area up a little but it won't take long. We had a lot of Basil come up! I transplanted one plant in between each of the tomatoes. They are a good companion plant for tomatoes. While growing and in cooking. What I did took most of 3 hours. I watered all the Basil in. The ground was somewhat wet yet from the rain. I picked two small tomatoes. Not all the way red but they were very close to the ground and I wanted them. Wasn't going to let a critter have them. I don't share tomatoes well! One of the garden neighbors, Albert, helped me haul the refuse bag to my Jeep and load it. I put all the rocks in the biggest ditch by my garden. Drove to the big garden bin left by Parks and dumped all the weeds in! Whew! Job done! Hubby was watering the stuff at the house when I got home, so that is one thing I don't have to do today! Lunch and then grab the old vacuum! See you next time!
more of the ditches
the ditch Parks left by my garden |
at the end where we had rock so this wouldn't happen |
looking from the left of the tomatoes |
one of the zinnias |
This is the back 50 ft - 25 ft of each plot
One of the transplanted basil |
Look how large everything is getting
I told you the tomatoes weren't real large. Here is a comparison
for you. Not large but fresh and grown by me!
First tomatoes on 6-16-2018
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