My Yard is Awful and now we have SNOW!

Due to personal problems, my yard was thrown to the various weeds.  It looks horrible and now I have tons of leaves to contend with, which are now buried in snow!!! This is only the 14th of November. Way to early for this white stuff on the ground.. Just to make matters worse, the temperatures are just plain frigid. This morning I got up to 13°F. This is not normal temps for Central Missouri in November.  With the temps that low, the snow is still on the ground covering all the leaves.  I may never get them blown off as they have to dry first.  I can be thankful that some of them had been removed in October by my Grandkids that were here for a short time.  I even got a lightweight new leaf blower run by batteries.  That means our household is the proud owner of three blowers.  Can you hear the laughter in my fingers as I type that, and see the grin on my face? 
I do have a couple of pictures to share with you!  A couple of the snow and then the picture of the wonderful little visitor to my deck. This bird doesn't come around every winter. Evidently it only comes to the area when other food sources are not great where the bird usually winters.  This is the Red-breasted Nuthatch.  The song is much prettier than the White-breasted Nuthatch and they are smaller.  They always say there is a silver lining and my little bird is one of them this winter.  The other one is, this is Missouri, wait a couple of days and the weather will change. Supposed to be in the 50's on Saturday!!

2 inches at this time

more snow was falling

This much snow and after the sun was
shining all day yesterday- the 13th

The Red-breasted Nuthatch
One of the silver linings to this winter


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