Baby It's WARM Outside - Took pictures of Bluebirds on the Deck

Well, let's put it this way, warmer than it was the last couple of days. Right now, at my house, on the deck, it is 59°F and I'm loving it!  I need some vitamin D from the sun!
I have to go pick up dog poop! LOL! Today is a good day to do that!
When I was fixing my lunch earlier, I looked out the window and caught sight of a couple of Bluebirds.  I thought, "By the time I go grab the camera, they will be gone!"  I tried anyway.  Shooting through a screened window leads to challenges. The first picture was an awesome picture of the screen.  The second one I took was so blurry I deleted it.  There were 3 more. Not the best but not the worst either.

When I was going through the pictures, a flower picture showed up. I thought, "that's strange, as I didn't have flowers to take pictures of."  I checked and the picture was taken back in April of 2018.  Such a lovely sight to see and I can't wait to see the Azaleas in bloom again!

All the Bluebird pictures taken through window
with screen  1-5-201

Azalea bush under my now almost dead flowering crab apple tree


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