I Lost a Feeder But Found it on the Ground!

Interesting day so far and it started shortly after 3 a.m.  Chief decided because I got up to use the bathroom then he should go outside.  It had been raining so I went downstairs to let the dogs out the back door in the garage!  Big mistake!  First of all the outside light is not working, so I couldn't get light out there.  Second of all, Rosebud takes off and runs up on the deck and starts barking and growling. Normally, I turn the light on and wait before letting the dogs out, just in case there is a critter.  I ran upstairs and turned on the light.  There was Rosebud and now Lacy barking and growling. A critter, I believe raccoon, behind the planter and the Bar-B-Que grill.  I was screaming at them to get down off the deck. I grabbed the collars and pulled them towards the steps. They finally went down them!  I went back over in the area and couldn't see anything! Of course, I was slightly occupied trying to get my dogs away. Sure didn't want either to get bitten by a raccoon! I ran in the house and grabbed my camera laying there. No critter around but got pictures of the suet he started eating.  I think in all the hurry and scurry to get out of there the one feeder was knocked off its hook.  Although it could have been knocked off earlier and, with all that was going on, I missed that little fact! I went to Birds-I-View and purchased a new seed cylinder to go on the pole feeder, the one the squirrel stole the seed from yesterday. Then today I went to Tractor Supply to get dog food and get the suet balls for the one feeder.  I was going to fill the feeder with the suet balls and realized it wasn't hanging where it was. So, down the steps and outside, I swear the wind almost blew me over, and found the two pieces of the feeder. One piece behind a bush. Pulled the branches apart and reached in and got it and without falling down too!  Washed it off, as it was muddy, and brought it upstairs and filled it and put it back on it's hanger. I came in the house and it wasn't 5 minutes when I saw the mocking bird on the tall cylinder of seed!  Made me happy! Then, as I was going to take a picture of the new seed cylinder, I looked out and the gymnast squirrel is out there!  I need a name for the squirrel.  Any suggestions??? 

We need a name for our gymnast squirrel

The cylinder seed purchased instead
of the stolen type.

This feeder was on the ground


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