And So It Begins

My gardening buddy and I went over to the garden plots.  They had been plowed or maybe they used a disc, whatever, it's flat and mostly without weeds.  I think the rocks grew over the winter though. All those rocks I picked out are there and more.  They didn't plow in between the poles, so we cleaned that out and all the corn shucks that didn't break down.  Teresa (gardening buddy) planted the beans, so we actually have something planted.  No potatoes, or onions yet.  She has been busy, I have been busy and the weather has not been the best for gardening.
Teresa and I had an argument too. Ton's of little flowers coming up. I say Zinnia and she says Sunflowers.  Going to leave some growing and we shall see!.. There is some dill coming back from seed and the chives I planted are back and doing fine.
Gotta take my baby tiller over and do a little so we will be ready to do potatoes and onion.  Wouldn't you know, it's supposed to rain.

Left side looking from the road. Those little green things
in the distance indicate the rows of beans

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This is looking across the garden to the right side. There is about 2 ft that has to be cleaned out by the pole to the other pole. (not in the picture. You can see the clump of healthy chives. though.


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