Post Tornado Yard Redo!
My flowering crab fell in the tornado. Under it was an Azalea, Hosta and Lenten Rose. All of which need shade. There was a small flower bed on the North side of the house that I had Heuchera (Coral Bells) and ferns, All died out due to the soil and the heat for the past couple of years. I decided to weed out the bed add some soil and plant those plants in this bed. First I dug out the plants. Then dug out a couple of weeds that are spreading like crazy. Went to get the wheelbarrow, flat tire. Couldn't find the attachment to the compressor hose. Had to wait til hubby got home. He bought a new come-a-long to take out the stump of the flowering crab. I cleaned out the grating at the end of the drive. So much debris no water could possibly get in there. Instead the water flows down our drive and makes gullies in the yard. Plus I found more of the insulation and Styrofoam around the yard.
Jim got the tire blown up so I loaded the bucket with the hosta, the shovel and one of the partial bags of soil I had. Up the hill around the front to the North side of the house. Unloaded and went back to get the Azalea and the Lenten Rose. Then back to the flower bed. By this time I am pretty much done in. LOL!
Started digging out all the dandelions that had found a home in that bed along with some other stuff. Dug a nice deep hole that will be the new home for the Azalea. Put some of the potting soil then the plant and more soil. Started digging holes for the Lenten Rose (Helleborus). The plant split into two pieces. I got the first hole dug and ran into a good sized rock in the second hole. Dug and dug but finally removed the rock.
While I am writing this, I have beautiful chimes ringing outside my window. It's windy and my wind chimes are making beautiful music.
Put both of the pieces of the Lenten Rose in their holes and noticed a loose part on one that had just a couple of leaves. Why not? Pulled them off and now I made a third hole for a new home for it!
All that is left is the hosta. I dug the hole, then decided just to dump all the soil left in the big bag. Barely could lift it but I managed. Dumped it all in. Planted the hosta and spread all the soil.
Filled the wheelbarrow with all the weeds, shovel, bucket and the used soil bags and down the hill I went. Dropped off all the weeds in the pile. Put the wheelbarrow in the shed, grabbed the shovel and the bucket stuffed with the soil bags and up the hill.
I made it up the hill, grabbed my phone and went and took a picture of the completed flower bed.
My plantings in the flower bed. I hope they like their new home!
Flower Bed planted 5-28-2019 |
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