Oops! It's not Christmas! It's July 4th! No wonder I got so hot while baking!
Here is how it happened. I am going through my mom's stuff that I brought home and stashed in there was a recipe "Grandma's Sugar Cookies". Now, I have no clue which Grandma. The writing is my mom's but the paper is very old and water stained but I could still read it.
I decided to make the cookies thinking I could give the recipe to my Granddaughter, that lives near me. I gave her some cookie cutters.
I started the cookies, making them by hand, no electric mixer or anything, just my trusty wooden spoon! I reached in the refrigerator for sour cream and it was not a healthy color, more blue than white. I called my neighbor and, thankfully, she had sour cream and brought me some. She had a conversation with Rosebud, my dog, and with me, grabbed a book to read and left. Just as she was leaving she noticed a visitor on my porch. I went and got my phone and snapped a picture of the visitor! After that, I continued making the cookies. I realized this dough was not going to be a roll out dough for cookie cutters. More the texture of chocolate chip cookies. Oh, that's a great idea!! I added some chocolate chips to a portion of the dough. I baked about half just plain and the other half with the chips.
While attempting to do the cookies, I kept getting distracted by the many Starlings and Grackles at my feeders and birdbath. I had filled up a feeder with dried meal worms earlier and they were all gone. I put new suet out this morning and they are almost gone too! Watching the adult sized birds begging for food is too funny! The adult flies down, gets suet brings it up and feeds the youngster. That youngster was same size and the suet was just below! Plus, I just had to do a video and pictures! Video of birds wouldn't work on here so posted on my Facebook page separately!
I got the cookies all baked and they are not bad! Jim liked the plain ones! I grabbed a chocolate chip one when they were finished. Not bad either!
My visitor |
Blending shortening and sugar |
Adding the 2 eggs |
Sugar and shortening all creamed together |
Baking soda and add sour cream |
after sour cream- vanilla and nutmeg added |
Going in the oven |
First ones finished |
Chocolate chips added |
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