Storms don't stop the Raccoons

Last night, when I let the dogs out, I realized it was raining.  I was really happy to see the rain. It, hopefully meant, I wouldn't have to water tomorrow.
I am sitting at my computer and for some reason, I thought about the raccoon that has been around again. It's like ten o'clock at night.  I get up and go to the back door and whip on the light on the deck. Those critters sure can run fast! Off the bird feeder and down on the deck, down the steps and gone!  My "Squirrel Buster", yes, that's what it is called, was twirling round and round.  That raccoon was trying to get the nuts. I interrupted him! Good for me!
 I went back to my computer and was chatting to some friends, when nature called.  It was maybe forty-five minutes later!  I went into the bathroom and sat down on the pot, which is a good thing as there was the brightest lightening and then the loudest clap of thunder I have ever heard.  Good thing I was where I was, at the time!  When I got up I wondered if the raccoon would be out in that kind of a storm, so I went to check!
Sure enough, I turned on the light and that critter ran off again with the feeder twirling round and round. Thank goodness for swivel hooks!  I looked out and it didn't appear to be raining too hard. I went out on the deck and took down that feeder.  A raccoon broke the top of the same kind of feeder before and I wasn't going to let him do it again!  I brought the feeder into the house!
I checked the deck again, before heading to bed and no raccoon did I see!
As I wrote this, I realized it was getting close to the time the raccoon showed up last night.  I went to check and nope, no raccoon. I took the feeder off the hook and brought it in to the house.


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