All I wanted to do was plant my 5 peppers that I started from seed. It's getting late in the season and I really want to try these. Got the seed from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.
One of the plants is Lemon Spice Jalapeno. I can't wait to see if it actually has a lemon flavor to it.
The other is a Red Marconi. A long tapering sweet pepper. I want to see how they compare to a Bell Pepper. I also have Jimmy Nardello Italian Pepper. Also supposed to be sweet, long and tapering. If you believe the reviews this pepper is the best! Hopefully mine will grow and bare fruit.
After doing those large weed, cutting back the Forsythia a,d digging out more weeds, planting the 5 peppers, I am hardly able to walk. I would take a selfie but I am afraid I would scare you all to death!
Notice the on tall piece, The whole bush was like that. See the pile laying on the ground by the white bags? That's mostly the Forsythia. It does have the aggressive plant in it
A root I couldn't dig out! |
These two areas are what I cleaned out |
The Plabano on the left and Lemon Spice Jalapeno on right |
the farthest on back didn't have a name on it but I think it's the Red Marconi Italian Pepper. Think the other two are the same thing. At least I sure hope so
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