A Hot Day at the Church Garden

Maintenance Day at Church
By Mary June Williams ©

It was very, very hot out
I went to church today
To take out all the weeds again
It didn’t feel like play

The sermon on Sunday
Given by Pastor Scott
Said that was a day of rest
So, work I did not

Monday was a work day
Sitting out in the sun
Maintenance on the garden
Until I got it done

Found more of the weed barrier
Because it had rained
Could dig up all the weeds
More of it, I gained

It’s all cleaned up
But here is the question
Cut flowers off hydrangea
To make them look fresh again?

Here is my other question
That comes to mind
How about the bushes
That are all in a line

Do you want them trimmed?
Or just wild in the row?
Clean up beneath them?
Or let the weeds grow?

These are the questions
Does anyone have a clue?
I think the bushes need trimmed
Something that I could do.

Let me know the answer
About the bushes please
I could work on them
And remove the dead leaves.


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