The End of Summer

The End of the Summer

By Mary J Williams ©

Nothing cute 
Nothing funny
Summers gone
but it's still sunny

The months went by
September is half gone
soon there will be
snow on the lawn

No garden for me
but plants at the house
eaten mostly by critters
those dirty louses

A few tomatoes
they weren't real pretty
some peppers too
some were itty bitty.

I still water some
it's been kind of hot
I want some plants to survive
and some I do not

My alien pumpkin
grew all over the bed
climbed up the lattice
where it has spread

Up on the rooftop
where Santa will fly
Maybe sit down and eat
some pumpkin pie

The weeds have taken over
With all the aches and pains
can't do my own yard
Next year I will try again

I pulled out the crochet hook
And afghans were made
On my sixth one
On beds they’ll be laid

Afghans for Angels
And some for my kids
Grandchildren too
Some others might bid

Some are large
And fit a full bed
Some are small
For a baby instead

That’s been my summer
How about yours?
Hope you had fun
And hope you weren’t bored

Not looking forward
To cold weather and snow
But I have many books
And lots of yarn though

Hopefully there will be
Some nice sunny days
Where I might get out
In the yard I will play

Keep checking in
The blog will be around
Read some of the others
Maybe for a laugh instead of a frown.

Love my many followers
Hugs for you all
So glad you enjoy this
Forgive me for going Awol


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