Weeds, Weeds and more Weeds
Trip to the Gardens By Mary J Williams © Went to the gardens What did I see? Many, many weeds Looking at me The weeds were in the corn Around tomatoes too In the row of beans I have no clue what to do I pull out the weed eater And started it going Whipping down the weeds To keep them from growing What is the saying you hear every year knee high By the fourth of July Even with the weeds It will be higher this year Just keep out the critters And all of the deer. I didn’t get the job done My arm is really shaking Time to go home A shower I am taking. On the way out Birds are out there splashing In a puddle by the road They want to look dashing. I sat for awhile The birds flew away I did see a Grackle So, I didn’t stay. At least corn is tall enough to see One and half row of beans