Bluebirds and Garden

I was leaving to go check on the garden and water. I realized I forgot my camera. Yes, I have a phone. Yes, it has a camera. I prefer taking pictures with my Canon. Besides it has a great zoom on it! I asked hubby to bring it out to the car and as I was sitting and waiting, some Bluebirds were having some conversations!  I finally had to go get the camera and when I came back, I inched forward a little, rolled down the window and waited! Sure enough, the Bluebirds started flying around. I think the one was a youngster and dad was saying get lost!  I have other things to do! The youngster didn't like what he heard and kept after dad! I took a few shots and then went off to the garden.
The corn was a little higher and a few more beans sprouted. The older seeds had no sprouts at all!  I couldn't find any Zucchini coming up either but the Pink Banana Squash came up. I am really looking forward to see how that one grows and especially how it tastes!  The tomatoes appear to being doing fine. I do see a little growth on the newest ones planted.  

I weeded a little, just can't help myself, watered and planted a winter squash. That was it for the day. 

corn getting taller

My Eastern Bluebirds in front yard


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