
Showing posts from July, 2020

This Squirrel is on my Last Nerve!

I know, you all love the squirrels. They are so cute! We feed them! He eats out of my hand!  Big Deal! My squirrels not only eat here, eating most of the birdseed, they also are on the demolish the deck mission. A couple of days ago, Tuesday, July 21st, I posted a picture on Facebook of what I caught a young squirrel doing to a 2 x 4 on my deck.  This squirrel loves the feeder. It's all metal. It has drain holes at the bottom and some holes on the front side that keeps the holder in and the bar that closes when something heavy, like a squirrel, gets on it. Shuts down with no seed available. So, this young squirrel figured out that he could suck out some seed from the drain hole: The metal bird feeder The drain holes in the bottom which are larger now that the squirrel has chewed on them Even had chewed on those 3 holes Now on the 21st I noticed this squirrel chewing on the 2 x 4 and took a picture of it I couldn't believe the damage the critter had done and thought, "gonna...

The Tough Guy at the Bird Feeder

Watching the birds out of my window sure taught me a few things.  I really think each species has a certain time to fly in and eat, then leave and the next one flies in. That doesn't include the smaller birds though. They flit in and out whenever.  Did you know the Black-capped Chickadee, or the Carolina Chickadee, comes in to a feeder, grabs one seed and leaves and eats it in the near-by tree? The Downy, always looking for suet, but if not found grabs some nuts or flies to the finch food feeder. That feeder has a mixture of Thistle and Sunflower hearts. The finches don't go on that feeder much but I have seen the Grackles attempt that feeder. It is quite entertaining!  I have the Grackles and the Blue Jays. They have little tiffs now and then. Grackles usually win! You would think they would be the tough guy but nope not a Grackle. It's sure not the Blue Jay either.  The tough guy at the mixed nut feeder is none other then the Red-bellied Woodpecker. When he flies i...

Garden and Poems

You know, every time I go to the gardens, I think I could write a poem. Poems come to me out of the blue. Sometimes I need help with a rhyming word or two but the thoughts are there. I was worn out, hot and sweaty after physical therapy. Don't think the air conditioner was working to well. Lots of fans, but I still got hot. Then I went to the garden to water. I can't just go to do one thing. I got out my hoe and tried to chop out some of the weeds. That didn't work well. Doesn't look like there had been any rain over there either. So much for weather forecasts!  Quit chopping and got my handy dandy little hand trowel. Dug up some weeds. Then watered some, then home. The Garden This Year 2020 By Mary J Williams I went to the gardens After physical therapy No Elves or Fairies Had weeded for me The garden is a mess All kinds of weeds do I see The path by the tomatoes Is still pretty much weed free I pulled out some weeds Right near the beans They are vining around Just ...

Raccoons Again, so, I Write A Poem

The Coons are Back! By Mary J Williams   It was yesterday morning I was letting Lacy out When a critter jumped off the feeder Of that, I had no doubt   Little Lacy took off She was in hot pursuit I was sure hoping She wouldn’t catch the brute   If she caught it by chance Was my biggest fear I yelled at her As I shed a tear   The raccoon was fast Down the steps he did go Out in the yard He wasn’t moving slow   Over the fence And now out of sight I was afraid for Lacy It gave me a fright   Last night the trap was set The nuts were brought in Yes, we caught the coon Looks like its starting again.   Do they find their way back, From when we did it before? Took several away Now they’ve come back for more?   Will set the trap again And just wait and see If, again, we have to trap The whole damn family!

I Have a Green Thumb Alright, For Weeds!

I decided to go across the river to the garden plot. I should have stayed home, but then I would have lost everything I planted to the weeds the aliens put in my garden plot.  They knew I wasn't able to work hard in it this year, and so took advantage of that fact.  There was sedge and Johnson grass, the wild purslane, many other weeds I don't know names for and the five foot tall lamb's quarter. Okay, kidding on the height, was about 3 foot tall. Good grief, I could barely see the tomatoes. I could see the corn, only because the weeds are still shorter then the corn. I couldn't see the green beans at all. I started in, just taking a random point and started ripping out the weeds. I looked around and decided that wouldn't be in my best interests.  I moved down by the corn and started weeding around the stalks. A couple came in to work in their garden across the road. The elderly gentleman used to work on a farm.  I asked him what he thought of me weeding all tha...

Seniors and Gardening- To Do or Not-That is the Question

I was determined to head out into the back area and get something done.  I was standing in the bathroom getting dressed and thinking "Figuring on what you want to do and then what you actually will be able to do are two different things".  First thing was spraying myself down with bug spray. I grabbed my hand shovel, my clippers, gloves, a small towel and my weed eater and out I went.  The back area is what we call the "dog yard". It's all fenced in, with two gates and we can let the dogs out from the back kitchen door, which is up on the deck. Yes, there are steps down to the yard. The other door is out of the garage, which is also where the laundry room is, the car, and the door to the bedroom on that level.  On went the gloves! My first things to do was to cut back some of the ivy, then started in on the bushes. Add caption Just along side of the steps down the fence line That rosebush at the corner of the fence is a menace to anyone who happens to walk by it...

Rain Doesn't Stop Them

I was watching a female Cardinal. I thought she had grabbed something in the Rose Moss but couldn't tell what it was. A bud perhaps, or a spent flower? I really couldn't tell. My eyes focused a tad closer and there was a squirrel on the feeder closest to the window. The one they can't get seed from if they are on the front. When their weight hits the bar the seed windows close. This squirrel has the technique of sucking some loose seed (thistle and sunflower hearts) from the drain holes in the bottom. It takes forever, but that little squirrel is determined. I caught a movement on the banister and stood over by the back door very quietly. I watched the progression of a chipmunk make his way to the barrel.  At that point I said, okay, gotta get the camera.   I snuck back to the back door and got a back shot of the chipmunk. At least I had proof. Not a great shot but you could tell it was a chipmunk. I gently eased the camera in another position trying to get a better shot....