Raccoons Again, so, I Write A Poem
The Coons are Back!
By Mary J Williams
It was yesterday morning
I was letting Lacy out
When a critter jumped off the feeder
Of that, I had no doubt
Little Lacy took off
She was in hot pursuit
I was sure hoping
She wouldn’t catch the brute
If she caught it by chance
Was my biggest fear
I yelled at her
As I shed a tear
The raccoon was fast
Down the steps he did go
Out in the yard
He wasn’t moving slow
Over the fence
And now out of sight
I was afraid for Lacy
It gave me a fright
Last night the trap was set
The nuts were brought in
Yes, we caught the coon
Looks like its starting again.
Do they find their way back,
From when we did it before?
Took several away
Now they’ve come back for more?
Will set the trap again
And just wait and see
If, again, we have to trap
The whole damn family!
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