Almost a Good Birding Day!

 I thought I was going to have the best birding morning ever but the birds were not real co-operative. First, I walked out on my deck with a paper towel full of crushed eggshells. I put them in the 1/2 whiskey barrel and the doves fly in and others also nibble on the shells. As I was putting the shells in the barrel, I looked up and not 2 foot away from me was a Pine Siskin sitting on the bird feeder looking at me. I talked really softly (I can do that on occasion! I'm not always loud!) to s/he for at least a couple of minutes. I then attempted to put my glasses down off the top of my head to try and see the markings better. The little booger flew off then! Oh well, I had a nice conversation. I went back in the house and was washing my hands off at the kitchen sink, looked out and the Pileated Woodpecker was on the suet. Well, a mad dash to the back room to grab the camera, turned it on and aimed and he flew off! Bummer! Then a Baltimore Oriole flew in. I managed to get one picture before the Starlings flew in and he flew off! I looked at two of the feeders and Pine Siskins were everywhere. Then I noticed the Eastern Bluebird in the feeder with the meal worms. As I was taking the picture of the Bluebird, a Red-bellied Woodpecker flew in. Nope, no chance of a picture there either.

I bet, if I went outside by the garage door and pulled up a chair out there, I would get all kinds of pictures this morning! However, that would mean I would have to get dressed! Because I was up since 4 a.m. this morning, I am sitting here yawning as I type! It's now 8 a.m.

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Feeding Frenzy of Pine Siskins

Male Eastern Bluebird

Visiting Baltimore Oriole on the 
grape jelly


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