Critter, and I say Raccoon

My Critters on the Deck
By Mary J Williams ©

Critter, and I say Raccoon,
comes to the deck,
only the hot suet in the holders you see,
but that raccoon is going to eat by heck.

He grabs on to the holder
that is hanging by a hook
holds on to the board
and eats, come and look!

Great big chunk
taken out of the thing
but I don't think he liked the taste
It's "hot" suet, it should kind of sting

I think he got mad
He didn't eat it all
Jumped to the deck
but he didn't fall

Checking things out
He thinks he smells more
So, grabs on the flower box
and it falls to the deck floor

Dirt is all over everywhere
That I have to put back
Guess I have to take that suet in
so, maybe he can't snack

Hopefully the flower box
won't be pulled down again
I won't have morning clean up
I can have my coffee then!
I really think the raccoon did this

Look at the imprints in the suet.
Pretty sure made by a raccoon.
the "Hot Pepper" suet didn't seem to
deter it at all 


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