Talking to Racoons at Midnight


Talking to the Raccoon
By Mary J Williams

I was busy crocheting
Trying to mend a friend’s thing
When all of a sudden
The light in my brain went bling!

I forgot to take in the seed
And the mixed nuts too
If the racoon shows up
The nuts are the ones he will chew

I didn’t bring the camera
And when I opened the door
A big raccoon was looking at me
S/he thought he was going to score

The thunder was booming
Lightening in the sky
The raccoon just stared at me
“Get out of here”, I cry!

I had to say it again
“Go on, you need to leave
The rain is coming down
No more nuts will you thieve”

As soon as the raccoon
Finally waddled away,
I put the water wiggler
On the deck to stay

Water Wigglers are knocked away
By big racoons, you see
They are in their way
They already have broken three

The raccoon has gone away
Seed and nuts are inside now
I left the empty jelly dish outside
Hope s/he wouldn’t go for it anyhow


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