It Wasn't Meant To Be!

 Started out at 8:20 a.m. heading to Stockton Lake, Stockton, MO. I wanted to see the Osprey nest that is on cam.  The chicks in the nest are now fledglings but they still hang on the nest waiting for mom or dad to bring in the fish.  

I didn't realize just how large Stockton Lake was.  It's huge! How were we going to locate this Osprey nest.  First plan was to stop and ask the locals. They didn't even know what an Osprey was, let alone know where the nest was.  We even asked people at some of the camping sites. Nope, they were from out of town, like us, camping, swimming and fishing and boating. What's an Osprey?

Finally found one person that suggested going over by the dam and checking there.  We went by the Senator Kit Bond Information Center, headed to the dam, crossed over, went to this kids fishing area. Met two lovely ladies there, one was local her friend was from Kansas City, who came to visit and fish.  Thought they had a perfect place but....nope, it was catch and release for kids only.  They asked me if I knew of a place and I told them about the boat ramp area we had been to. She said she thought they had been there but too windy so they left.  She called the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the area and they said to stop at the the information center we had passed and they would mark a map.  So, off Jim and I went. The person I talked to was very nice, marked a map, for the cam nest and for another nest and then without backtracking, how to get back to HWY 54.  All set and off we went.  

Even with the map, we drove and drove and drove. My almost full tank of gas was almost empty. We went on I don't know how many roads. Took one wrong turn, backtracked, found the right area, drove, stopped, looked, took a picture or two. No nest could I find. Decided to try to find the other one. Well, Jim, nor I, can read a map very well we found out!  Couldn't find that nest either. By this time we got $10 worth of gas to hold us over until we filled up at the cheapest gas price, which was in Camdenton at $2.83 a gallon.  

Off to go home. Got off track again! Got the $10 worth of gas and a guy in there lived at Fair Play. I showed him my map and he said, go out there get on 123, you will hit Hwy 32, make a left and then right on 123 again until you hit Hwy13, make a left and you will hit HWY 54.  That's what we did! We didn't get home until 4:50 p.m.  A very long day for sure! Didn't find my nest. Saw some beautiful countryside. Stockton Lake area is beautiful. Lot's of camping areas at water's edge. Beautiful! 

Stockton Lake looking from the dam
The 24,900-acre Stockton Lake was created when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completed a dam across the Sac River near Stockton in 1970. Since that time, the lake has become a favorite spot for fishing, swimming, skiing, scuba diving and especially sailing.

The Stockton Lake Dam, Stockton, MO

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Senator Kit Bond Information Center 

Looking from a very far distance using my zoom on my camera, thought this was a nest. Nope, just one of the many electrical poles in the area. 


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