Acorns and Squirrels

Acorns Falling Down
By Mary J Williams ©

I am sitting in my chair
My computer in front of me
I keep hearing things
Don’t know what it could be

Ah, I think I figured it out
The acorns falling from above
The branches of the tree
Over the roof, kind of

Crack, there lands another
Hitting the roof above me
Crack, crack, crack
Many acorns, way more than three

I have so many acorns
Laying in the up-hill driveway
Put my car in 4-wheel drive
Hope I can get out, I pray

Instead of eating my birdseed
The squirrels should get busy
Eating all the acorns
And stashing them in a tizzy

Then they would have food
For the snowy winter ahead
The Persimmon seeds say shovel
And that’s something I will dread

Acorns falling down upon my head
No, not really just the roof up there
Please little squirrels do your thing
And I won’t bother you, I swear!


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