Are They Playmates?

Are They Playmates?
By Mary J Williams ©

I let the dogs out
That’s nothing new
But I went on the deck
Which I don’t usually do

I put cantaloupe juice
In some little dishes
That the birds come to
I’m fulfilling their wishes

I was watching Rosebud
She was on the alert
What does she see?
Her ears are all perked

She started in barking
And now I see why
A Groundhog takes off
And comes running by

Down to the shed
With the holes in the side
That’s probably where
The Groundhog abides

And just at that moment
The black cat runs out
Not going the same direction
But taking a different route

Were those two together?
The cat and the Groundhog
Were they playing out there?
And got scared of the dog?

Bet they had a pact; I won’t harm you
If you don’t harm me
We can be together
As long as others don’t see!



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