My Little Chickadee

My Little Chickadees
By Mary J Williams ©

I love my little Chickadees
They are so very sweet
They watch from the tree
Waiting for their treat.

As soon as the seed is hung
And I am back inside
The chickadee flies in
From the place he did hide

I am standing at my window
Watching with a grin
As the Chickadee is busy
The eating did begin

Take a seed, fly to a perch
His head going up and down
Beating that tiny seed
The shell falls to the ground

If you wonder at all
It takes quite a few
Of those little seeds
For them to live, it’s true

I read in mild winters
For them to survive
At least 150 sunflower seeds
In one day or they die.

I am glad I can help them
It’s what I want to do
My little Chickadees
I love you!


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