Taking Out My Frustrations

Taking Out My Frustrations!
By Mary J Williams

How do you take on frustrations?
Me, I walked out the door
Looked all around
There is the plant to trim, I swore

Not only that
Split up those Dracena plants
They’ve gotten way too big
I’m saying with a rant!

Nobody wants it
I have already asked
Everyone has one
And they get big pretty fast

I repotted a couple of pieces
To a more manageable size
Now I know for sure
There will be new shoots to rise

I cut the top out of two!
Corm plants they are
That were mighty big
Their height was bizarre

I watered the ones
That I planted before
Yesterday’s work
Or should I say chore

Pulled up some crabgrass
Mixed in with the Sedum
Also, some zoysia
Didn’t really need them.

My frustration is gone
Not as sore as yesterday
Didn’t do as much
But I kept the blues at bay!


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