The Moths and the Butterflies

The Moths and the Butterflies
By Mary J Williams ©

There is a plant
By my front door
Autumn Joy sedum
The moth and butterfly adore

I looked outside
And to my surprise
The sedum was blooming
And it appeared alive

There were flies all around
A beetle, Moths and Butterflies
I didn’t know their names
I cannot tell a lie

I took pictures
The first at 4:22 p.m.
The next ones
6:41 p.m., trying to ID them

All that time
And now even more
Trying for an ID
So that I can store

Write them on the photos
So, everyone will know
the name of the critter
It’s very hard to do though

This time was Silver Spotted Skippers
And one called Sachem
I even had a Corn Earworm moth
And that’s not the end of them

I found this tiny thing
It looked like a butterfly
But it was a Spotted Beet Webworm Moth
I couldn’t make that up if I tried.

There is one I didn’t ID
I think it’s another skipper
But I am at the end
Time for my ice-cream dipper


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