The Squirrel and the Chipmunk


The Squirrel and the Chipmunk
By Mary J Williams ©

Standing outside
With the water hose on
I glance at a movement
See a squirrel and now it’s gone

Must have jumped to the tree
As now he is on the ground
Running to the raised bed
Is where he is bound

Uh Oh, there is a chipmunk
The squirrel scared away
He was in that bed
But he didn’t stay

He ran to the tree
Started up the side
Getting away from the squirrel
Trying to hide

It was just a few minutes
And the squirrel took chase
Over to the tree
No time did he waste

I saw the chipmunk
Out on a limb
I think the squirrel gave up
He was chasing on a whim

He came back down
Over to another tree he went
I never saw the chipmunk again
The squirrel lost his scent.

This is a perfect picture found on the Internet!


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