The Raccoon That Wouldn't Leave!
I am up at 5:05 a.m. My mind is working overtime and I figured I might as well get up, let Lacy out, put the birdseed out and make the coffee. I walk into the kitchen and start Jim's coffee, grab a couple of the bird feeders, open the door and head out on the deck with Lacy and pretty much stop in my tracks. There on a 2 x 4 post of the deck was a Raccoon. Not a real large one, I am guessing just a youngster, maybe, as stubborn as it was a teenager. I tried to get Lacy back in the house, but she totally ignored me, never saw the Raccoon, and even with her sharp nose, didn't catch the scent either. I was amazed! Down the steps she went to the back yard, more likely the concrete pad, to do her business. The Raccoon and I were pretty much just looking at each other. I decided to go in the house and go get my camera! I really didn't think the Raccoon would still be there but, it was. I took a couple of pictures, with my flash up, and the flash didn't go off! I finally mov...