The Critter

 I just wanted to share, with those that aren't on Facebook, what I have been up to. Still taking in the birdseed at night at the house, except when I forget, or not at home until late and hubby forgets to bring it in and I don't think to ask if he did it! By then it's late, I'm tired and really don't care! Well, that's not really true! I care but I am tired, so I don't think to ask if it's in! Ahh, the two way street!  

Now, in the last couple of weeks, my neighbor and I have been walking. We have walked on our street, we have walked at one of the parks, we have walked downtown many times. The latest has been at Prairie Garden Trust. This is a place you can just get lost in nature. It's all around you. The owners have turned old fescue fields back into the Prairie Fields they used to be. They had help from Mervin Wallace who runs the Missouri Wildlife Nursery in Brazito, MO. 

I sound like an advertisement and that wasn't the purpose of this blog. It's to tell you if you are out of shape, don't walk as much as I did in the two days. Yesterday's walk was pure torture. The path was more hilly, the path had rocks, so not for an old fart like me. I should have stayed on a tad smoother path, like the one of the previous day.

The previous day, I swear, I didn't see a bird! I heard Blue Jays, I heard a Crow, but nothing else. I saw one butterfly. The second day, yesterday the 22nd of October in 2021, I saw birds, I saw grasshoppers and I saw butterflies. I got pictures of Eagles flying overhead. Did I just say pictures, plural? Nope, just one picture, but hey, at least I got one. I finally got a capture of a butterfly too. Not a good picture but at least it is one. 

Oh, forgot about the "critter". My walking partner said she saw a deer, I did not see one, didn't see deer track either. I am walking by the edge of the Farm Pond and heard and saw something jump into the pond. I looked and thought I saw something there and focused in with my camera, still not sure what I was seeing. It wasn't until I got home and uploaded all my pictures did I see for sure, that, yes indeed, I captured the photo of a critter! I am so proud! 

This morning my legs are like jelly! If I continue to walk, like I should, I think I will use my Gazelle today. That way, if after 5 minutes, I can climb down and go back and sit on my but and play a game on the computer! 


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