Dogs Get In A Rut Like Their Humans

 You wouldn't believe it unless it has happened to you!

We had to get a new deck. The other one was way too old for replacement with soft boards and some really rotting out wood.  The old deck was torn down! The thing about this is, our dogs have always went out the back door, out on the deck, down the steps and to the fenced in back yard. Convenient for us and for them. If it was raining, sometimes they went out the back door at the garage. We would leave the door propped open and they would do their business, sometimes, and run back in. 

Lacy is kind of different! If it was raining and I let her outside at the backdoor on the deck, she would, sometimes, stand under the eaves and potty and come right back in. Of course, both expected a towel at that time. 

The new deck took two days. First torn down, then rebuild. I was so happy! I let the dogs out. They went to where the steps used to be, no stairs. I showed them where they were, they just looked at them, looked at me and wanted back in the house. Hubby and I put them out as often as we could and, nope, they were having none of it. 

While the build was going on we used the leash, outside in front. They loved going out, loved sniffing everything, rarely did their business!  Lacy did pee once. I told hubby to take Rosebud over there and I guarantee she will pee. Yep, sure enough! Rosebud smelled Lacy and squatted! It never fails!

The third day of the deck build was getting electricity on the deck for the birdbath and whatever else we may need.  Got some of the bird feeders set back up and my weather station. I was so happy!

The dogs aren't!  Hubby had to run Rosebud off down the steps! I still don't know if she has come back up the steps.  This morning with Lacy was the funniest!  Up at 5:15 a.m. and let her out. I sort of pointed her to the stairs and she finally went down! Hurrah!  After 10 minutes, or so, I hear barking. I go out on the deck! It's below freezing this morning and the wind chill puts the temps in the teens. I am in my p.j.'s. I am cold. I lean over the edge of the railing and call Lacy. She is just below me. Then she runs towards the back yard barking like she sees something but at the same time she looks at me. I finally go down the steps. I herd her up to the back door, the steps to the deck are right there.

She won't go up the steps. I pick her up and put her on the second step and she finally goes the rest of the way up.

Nope, want nothing to do with it
Nice wide steps easy climb

People are in a rut sometimes but I just learned, when you mess with a dogs routine, they get really upset and don't like changes either! We aren't the only ones!  


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