Yummy! This is Better Eating!

 Lacy was sitting by my feet just waiting.  I was going to cook hamburgers.  I cut open the pound package and made three patties.  I was using bread as I didn't have any buns and I wasn't about to go to the store.  I made those patties to fit the bread. I went to throw the wrap away and saw a tad of burger. Miss Lacy got her first treat! 

When I make burgers, I always add cheese.  I use American Cheese on hubby's and Velveeta on mine. If I cut into the Velveeta, I always have to give one little bite to you know who.  Now you may wonder where Rosebud is!  She doesn't hang around in the kitchen.  She knows what's going on just like Lacy but she evidently has no interest in the little tidbits she might get.

Okay, burgers are done, supper ready, we sit down to the table.  Rosebud is laying on the floor by the wall and Lacy is in between my feet under the table.  Who knows what might drop!  If nothing does, she makes sure I know she is there by whining and jumping up to put her feet on the seat of the chair.  I always tell her, "I know you're there!"  Usually, after supper there are plates to lick but not this time!  

Time has passed and I hear hubby up and moving around! Time for his evening snack.  Barking is going on, he never tells them to hush! Well, he might every now and then but was never consistent and if they quit barking, he would continue to tell them to hush! A trainer, he is not! He throws the little treat on the floor! I wondered why the dogs quit catching! That's why! 

Now, both the girls come back to my computer room, after Dad is done with his snack, and headed back to his chair in the living room. I am attempting to knit a block for an afghan and had a movie on and screwed it up. I am now on the third attempt!  Lacy is over by me whining. I look over at her and that little booger is looking up at the bag of popcorn. I can't believe it! She knows that popcorn is there and she figured it was time to have some. Now Rosebud is up and standing right there with Lacy. Okay, okay, I will get the popcorn.  I toss a piece to Rosebud and dear old Lacy puts her head down to the floor, waiting for the popcorn to drop there. Rosebud missed a couple but did catch a couple but Miss Lacy just waits for them to drop on the floor!

Lacy has the "nose that smells all!"  She remembers and expects things to be that way every day! You should see her on the days I don't cook!  She is in the room with me whining at 2:45 p.m. "Come on, Mom, it's time to cook for supper!"

What does your dog do?


Rosebud waiting at the table for a treat. 


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