Continuing Mouse Saga

Continuing Mouse Story
By Mary J Williams ©

It is now 6:38 a.m.
I went back to sleep for awhile
Woke up at normal time
And even had a smile

My eyes are watering
Snot dripping from my nose
Sinus problem too
All from messing with those clothes

Guess my body doesn’t like dust
Surely not the mouse turds either
cleaning up the mouse mess
I think I need a breather!

I thought about those mice
And how and what they do
They always seem to be around
But what they did this time, who knew!

They break into your home
When the weather starts to cool
I love all the animals
But I surely am not a fool!

When first you find the evidence
You know one broke inside
They have a great big house
Plenty of places to hide

I get out my traps
Put the peanut butter on
Trap those inside
Until they all are gone

No more evidence do you see
No more mouse turds lying about
You figure you have won
Of that you have no doubt

But your eagle eye keeps looking
That’s the way it has been
To stop them before destruction
Just in case others sneak in


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