Gardening Time and Spring

It’s Spring, Where Are My Flowers
By Mary J Williams

It’s Thirty-eight degrees
Raining outside
Third day in a row
No wonder my flowers hide

Just a few mini daffodils
And crocus have bloomed too
No tulips, hyacinth or anything else
This really makes me blue!

I look forward to this time of year
It’s my favorite you see
Seeing all the birds
And flowers blooming with glee

I have heard the birds singing
Preparing for the nests
But haven’t any flowers
Even Peepers are still at rest

I want the Peepers singing
One of the first signs of spring
Maybe with their sounds
The flowers it will bring

I have a lot of bulbs
Popping up their heads
Now if only the sun
Would warm up their beds

I hope tomorrow is warmer
And my daffodils will flower
Then my scilla will be everywhere
And they will have the power

I’m feeling somewhat better
I love the internet you see
I’m listening to recordings
Of Peepers sounds for me

I just have to be patient
The flowers will come in time
Plus hearing all the birds
It will really be sublime!



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