The End of the Mouse Saga

End of the Mouse Saga
By Mary J Williams

I set four traps
And for two days, no mouse
Could I get lucky
Are they out of the house?

One trap is missing
Nowhere to be found
I didn’t move it
I even looked on the ground

Looked in the trash bin
Swept the floor clean
No mouse trap around
It’s a mystery it seems

I continued to clean
Threw away this and that
I threw away rags
And even an old matt

All the time looking
For that missing trap
I hear a strange noise
A rat a tat tat

I pull out the bin
holding white clothes
the mouse in the trap
not dead, goodness knows

I ended the life of that little mouse
He was too far injured to save
I know that’s what a mouse trap is for
But with me doing it, I’m not that brave

I hope no more are around
No longer come into the house
This is way too traumatic
I feel like a big louse

I also don’t want to do
What I’ve done for the last three days
Cleaning and laundry up to my eyes
Please little mice, mend your ways!!!


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