One Hour and I am Done!

One Hour
By Mary J Williams ©

I went out to weed
Picking up sticks along the way
Digging up wild onions
I think it’s time to play

There are tons of honeysuckle
That needs to be removed
A couple of branches trimmed
On the Redbud, to improve

My mind thinks I can do it
The body not so much
Only an hour of bending
And I think I need a crutch

I still have to empty the bag
Which means a walk downhill
I am just praying I make it
And I don’t have a spill

After the bag is emptied
Back up the hill I go
Still want to put out birdseed
I will just do it slow

Bird seed is out
Gardening shoes removed
One hour is all I can do
This day, that was proved  
Front side by driveway-
Yes, I use leaves as mulch
down to the driveway


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