The Forgotten One

 This is the second part of the story of April 7, 2022. I involves another at the little feeder dishes, that, for some reason, I forgot all about!

The Forgotten One
By Mary J Williams ©

I just put out some food
In the little dishes
For the Eastern Bluebirds
That was what my wish is

In the kitchen now
The poem is done
“The Morning Song”
A story that was spun

I was worried about the Starlings
And the Sparrow too
Knowing how greedy they are
Eat everything till it’s through

I forgot about one thing
A critter that comes around
Four legs and a long tail
And is quite the clown

I looked out my kitchen window
And there standing on two feet
Hauling in the meal worms
He didn’t miss a beat

I whispered the word “Squirrel”
And Lacy sped to the door
The squirrel took off
Down the deck he tore

Lacy went running after it
But lost him on the way
I tried pointing another out
But she didn’t see it this day

The squirrel is gone for a little while
I hope the Bluebirds come in
I would really hope they get some food
Then I would feel, “I win”


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