The Morning Song

 This has been one of those days! I wrote this poem and then things changed so I wrote another. My poems usually tell a story of what is or has been going on! This is the first part of the story of April 7, 2022. 

The Morning Song
By Mary J Williams

It’s six o’nine in the morning
I am letting my dog out the door
I hear this lovely song
I smile and smile some more

The Eastern Bluebird
Is one birdsong I know
Hearing that song
Makes my smile grow

I think to myself
No meal worms are there
I will put some out
Hopefully Starlings will share

I even put out some fruit
Dried blueberries in the dish
Hope Starlings don’t throw them out
That is my only wish

I wouldn’t mind so much if they ate them
But if Starlings come along
They throw the fruit on the deck floor
That’s just not right, it’s wrong

Another bird that may be around
The Baltimore Oriole dressed in orange and black
It sure would be nice to see them
Can’t wait till they come back

They come to my feeders too
The grape jelly is already out
I hope the greedy Starlings
Don’t like it and are not about

So, my little Bluebirds
If you are on the ball
There is lots of food for you
Don’t let Sparrows and Starlings get it all!



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