It's Garden Time

 I am a Master Gardener. What exactly does that mean.  It means I went to classes to learn about different aspects of gardening and also volunteered 30 hours of my time to maintain different areas that Master Gardeners take care of. There is quite a list of places including the Cole County Extension Center.  The grounds are what we take care of and sometimes it's a huge challenge. Like the time I was trimming the bushes on the side and ran into a hornets nest! Scared me right out of doing that again!  Just imagine an older, heavy set, gray haired lady with an electric trimmer in her hands running away from a bush! What a sight that would be. 

I also attempt to do my own yard which also has challenges seeing as I keep changing my mind and adding or subtracting plants and hardscape. We, hubby and I, put in a little pond and had fish a few years ago. We were both pretty much able to clean the filters and all the other maintenance, like weeding around the pond. Years pass and bodies get older and abilities change. First of all we lost all five fish. Either to an owl or raccoons. One at a time. No dead fish floating, just gone, disappeared, out of sight, missing forever!  Then the old boy had major back surgery so, his ability to maintain went down the tubes.  I can get down, I can clean them, no problem! Getting back up is where I run into problems.  So feature this. That same heavy set, gray haired lady, sitting on the ground, having to roll to stomach, get her one leg up, the the other, now the but is up in the air both arms are now trying to push! I grab hold of the little barrier on the bridge (I will find a picture for you) and pull myself up to standing! That's why the maintenance of the pond has not been the best.  I wanted to take it out but what does the old boy say, "No!"  So, one of these mornings I am going to go down there and attempt to clean it out, clean the filters and get fresh water in and then I might just go get some gold fish again!  That is, if, after all the work, I can stand up! 

I have a huge project for the front yard. I dug up a little piece of sod and moved a planter, as large as a half whiskey barrel, to the spot, where the potatoes I planted would get more sun. I want all this side with sod removed. I realized if I do it by shovel it will take at least all summer long.  Hope I can talk my son into renting the 200 pound machine to do it.  If not, I will just do it one day at a time. I also planned out a route from the top of the drive down to the boardwalk.  My son, and granddaughters use that route so, thought why not put in a path for them to walk on!  

I have this all in my mind. I have trees to plant and know what I want to plant.  I work all night long while I sleep and wake up exhausted!  One of these times, I will probably get up in the middle of the night and work in the yard! That would sure be a sight to see!

The area of sod moved out and planter
moved to the new location

Cleaned out and have spot ready for Thanksgiving
Cactus to sit during the summer

you can see the pond and the fake bridge 
with the railing. 
This is the area I was trimming at the Extension


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