The Squirrel Tale

 I looked out the kitchen window as I was doing up a couple of dishes. The squirrel was back but in a totally different position. I am thinking he sucked everything that was close from the side hole and now is attempting to get seed out of the bottom drainage holes. 

This squirrel is quite the acrobat. I don't think there are many positions that he can't get into.  I watched and took a few pictures. I watched the male House Finch fly in and realized the squirrel was there and took off again! 

Later on, I was at the kitchen window again. There was that squirrel and I swear my first impression was he was laying down sleeping on the top of the bird feeder!  I then realized he was likely hanging over the edge like he has done on the side facing me and attempting to get the seed out of the side hole.

I think he saw me, or sensed that I was there, taking pictures, again!  He sat up and started whipping that tail around! I don't think he was happy with me at all! He sure didn't like it when I stepped out on the deck to put fresh water in the birdbath for the fourth time today!  

The Starlings have a ritual. Fly in and beat at the suet for a time, fly to the birdbath, get two gulps of water, then step in and flip that water all over yourself! Then off you go until the next time! 

Birds and Squirrels are most entertaining!

Eating from the drainage holes 

I thought at first he was sleeping!


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