It Strikes Again!
I have a fairly large deck. In fact it's a brand new one as the other was getting old and ready to fall down. We have one of those Ranch styled homes where the back of it is the basement due to the hill it was built on. Front is not quite level with the street but we have a flat front yard after three steps. Maybe I should plop in a picture here, so you know what it really looks like.
Okay, here is where the deck is being built |
My back door from the kitchen is up on the left. You can barely see my kitchen window. At night I don't see too much out that window. I have this green light blub for the deck. I think we put that in one year for Christmas decorations and never changed it up and it doesn't die! So not lots of light. Why am I yammering about all this? Because I want you to "see" as well as read about last night!
I was going to let Rosebud outside. It's 9:20 p.m. She does this every night. Stands on the deck, looks around, sniffs the air and then comes back in the house. Before I open the door, I always "check" to see if there just might be a critter out there. On this night, there was! Not wanting Rosebud chasing after the critter, I quickly shut the door. What did I do then? I went to the back room, grabbed my camera, pulled up the flash and took off to the back door again. Hoping to see the critter still there. I opened the door wide, stepped out just a bit with the camera facing towards the area where the critter was. I snapped a picture! One critter came running, or I should say slinking fast past me towards the steps. Clump, clump, clump down it went. The other, by the time I turned around, was already over the banister and trying for the ground. Little harder for that one as no easy steps but just a post to go down to the back yard. At this point in time, I have no clue if I got the critters on camera or not! They were very small raccoons, I would classify them as babies compared to the size of a mama one.
I went back to my computer, slipped out the card and put it in the memory card recorder. Uploaded the picture to my computer. The software I use for the picture opens up, I look, and there it was! I actually got a shot of the raccoons. It's not real clear, but another software lightened it up enough that you can see two raccoons. I marked with an arrow.
I was kind of proud of myself for grabbing the one picture. Not a great one, but I wasn't set up for a "great" shot. LOL! Now, I know you are waiting in great anticipation of seeing the picture and here it is:
Maybe #3?
As I was setting the pictures in here and having my usual trouble placing them, I looked again and saw the dark "blob" in front of #1 racoon. I saw the tail of #2 and it wasn't all that large, so that blob is not the tail of #1. I think, now, there were three raccoons out there! What do you think? Write in the comments, please!
You could be right, there might be 3 critters ❤️