I Have Problems Quitting

Don’t Know When to Quit
By Mary J Williams ©

No outside work for me today                                          
My back and arms say no
Too much digging and pulling
So, now I’m moving slow

Played a couple of games
Did some email too
Going to the library
Give hubby something to do
On the way home
Stopped at East End Drug
Talked about our dogs
That we all give big hugs

Then on to the house
I knew what I had to do
Pulled in and parked
Bag of weeds, quite a few

Hauled the bag down the hill
Bag’s bottom is nice and hard
So slid it down, no lifting
Time to empty, I'm out of yard

Here I have to lift
But two handles help me do it
Then just twist back and forth
The stuff comes out bit by bit

Back up the hill
What do gardeners do?
They see a weed growing there
And more then just a few

So, bend and pull
And pull some more
One’s a little tough
It’s quite a chore

Uh oh, the back gave out
I really have to quit
The pulling hard was too much
I just have no more grit

So back up the hill I go
Put the bag away
Then grab the hose to water
Hope I can stand long enough to spray

I filled the little birdbath
Watered the different things
I notice a ripe pepper
Surprised, been planted since Spring

I see another pepper
A jalapeƱo called Big Jim
I will pick it off
And serve it up to him!

I still have water running
Trying to fill the pond
It’s leaking out the water
That’s where frogs do spawn

Water lilies won’t make it through winter
It’s much too shallow now
I will just wait and see
It they do, will fix the pond, I vow

Now I am in the house
One thing I forgot
I have some clothes to fold
Right now, I’d rather not!



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