It's been a while since I wrote anything. Not that nothing is going on. Just too much is going on! 

I went outside and tripped! Moles and then there were Voles too! I wrote a poem. I did some research and decided what I tripped on is a mole tunnel. However, I do have vole holes and over by my porch is a couple of entrances of a chipmunk!  I know it's a chipmunk because I see that little critter running across the driveway, from the neighbors and over to my house. Also have see the chipmunk running from the neighbors on the other side of me, into one of his entrances over there. The groundhog was seen in the back yard a couple of days ago. Pretty one too! He was inside my dog area! That surprised me. It's fenced in. He was trying to get out in the back corner but couldn't do it. I watched and he started coming towards me.  I am on the deck, with the hose and decided to give him or her a little spray. Back to the corner he went but didn't stay there long. He was on a mission and as he cam back up the incline, he veered to his right. Guess what, he has a hole under the fence! I laughed and wondered why he was coming up the incline from the back. Watching me the whole time!  He had the escape route there. When he got out from under the fence, I don't think it took him all of 10 seconds to reach the wooded area which is probably 20-25 ft away! This groundhog was fat and fluffy and a beautiful silver with a tail that looked black. No, I didn't have my camera! Shame on me!

Here is the poem I wrote from watering in my front yard just about thirty minutes ago! The funny thing is, it's cloudy now and looks like rain!

Cup of Coffee and Watering
By Mary J Williams ©

I poured a cup of coffee
It was a little hot
Set it on the table
I had another thought

Go outside and check it out
The plants need water
Grabbed up the hose
Ground soaked it up like a blotter

Forget the coffee for now
Help is on the way
Have to save the plants
Give them a little spray

That Christmas Cactus
Sitting on the porch
Is dryer then a bone
Like someone lit a torch

The other Cactus looks good
The corn plants do too
Even the poinsettia
The vinca is damp through and through

I tripped a little
On that dry ground
Oh, it’s a tunnel
Weaving round and round

What critter did that
Probably a mole you say
It could be vole
They work the same way.

They both dig a tunnel
Both underneath the top
Except the mole eats worms and grubs
The voles eat bulbs a lot

If I have to have something
Tearing up the soil
Would rather have the mole
A vole I’d like to boil!

The watering done
In the house I went
The coffee was cold
Heat it again is my intent

Vole runs

Mole runs



vole hole


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