I Talk To The Birds And Critters

By Mary J Williams ©

I get up in the morning
Go out on the deck
Jelly dishes in hand
Not gonna’ drop a speck

Put the dishes in the holder
Grab nuts feeder next
Put it on the deck
Fill to the top, others to check

Put out the circle of seed
One bird I know loves it
It’s the little chickadees
They eat quite a bit

There is a bird
Up in the tree
I swear it is cussing
And he is doing it to me

I tell him I’m filling the feeders
Who do you think does that?
You just have to have patience
Or come to the deck for a chat

I look down and there is a honeybee
Already going after the grape jelly
I just put those dishes out
There is enough for your belly

I sprinkle some water on flowers
And as I am standing there
A Downy Woodpecker flies to a feeder
He doesn’t even care

He talked to me a bit
Then got to eating
First on the nuts
After our little greeting

Well, guess who just flew in?
It was the mouthy bird
A Red-bellied Woodpecker
So, I gave him a few choice words

I told you I wouldn’t hurt you
So go ahead and eat away
You will be in and out
On this fine and lovely day! 


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