My Followers Know I Have A Problem

 I realized this morning I use the bending for many, many things. I went on the deck and got the birdfeeder with the nuts in it. It was almost empty. Bent over to get the can out. It has a lock handle so had to pull on it, while bending, open it and the top of the feeder, fill the feeder, and then shut everything back down, while bending. If you read the blog yesterday (poem) you will know I injured my back by pulling on weeds. At the time, I was very tired from pulling weeds two days at the church, plus carrying and putting down mulch.  

This morning was another of those days that I almost did more then I should. Here is the story, in poem form, of course!

Don’t Look Down
By Mary J Williams ©

Early morning 6:32 a.m.
Recycle stuff was in my hand
Out to the can at the curb I went
I did not look upon the land

As I came back I saw a spot
Looked almost like a coin
I bent over to pick it up
The back gave out a groan

I stood up with the thing
It was metallic but aluminum foil
I walked back to the can
I dropped it in so it wouldn’t be in my soil

Back to the house was my intention
My mantra on the way
Don’t look down, don’t look down
The weeds were leading me astray

I kept saying that little line
Over and over again
Don’t look down, don’t look down
I got in the house- the end!



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