Trouble With The Water Wiggler-Again

The Water Wiggler Disaster
By Mary J Williams ©

I filled up the birdbath
Six times so far today
At 7 p.m. at the kitchen window
No Water Wiggler, I say

Walked out on the deck
There is nothing there
Looked over the edge
It must of flew into the air

One part was broken
One battery was on the ground
I don’t understand
The twirler was still going round

It must have been a critter
That knocked it out
A cat or a squirrel
It got a clout, no doubt

Must have hit it hard
To knock it out of there
Now a broken wiggler
It’s getting way too much to bear!

To Birds I View tomorrow
Get another water wiggler there
If a critter breaks another
I’m gonna’ pull out all my hair

What the Water Wiggler is supposed to look like!
Not like this


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