My Dog Lacy's Storm Story

Lacy-The Baby During Storms
By Mary J Williams ©

It’s storming out
The rain is coming down
The lightning and thunder
Lacy doesn’t like the sound

She is up and walking
In my bed you see
Wakes me up with whining
I don’t know where she wants to be

I try to act like those storm shirts
I pull her into me
Put the blanket around her
Settle down I plea

Nope, that’s not good enough
She moves around a lot
Until the cover is off
Cuddling was for naught

What am I supposed to do?
The wind is still blowing
I don’t hear more thunder
The lightning seems to be going

I get the dogs up
I let them outside
The deck is all wet
This they can’t abide

Back in the house they come
I get the bed for Rosebud
Head for the computer room
Throw it on the floor with a thud

Now Lacy is lying beside me
She seems comfortable in this room
Or maybe it’s that the storms gone
And she hasn’t met her doom

I just Googled dogs and storms
You know what they suggest
Little Hemp pills
I really should have guessed

The cure all now for everything
Hemp for this and that
Think I’ll go make coffee
See who is on Facebook for a chat!


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