Gardening Fun

I Went Outside By Mary J Williams I went outside And what did I see All the weeds and leaves Grinning at me You’re too old To harm us now I’ll show you I said And then I showed them how I picked up sticks Saved several worms Picked them all up And threw them very firm In another flower bed Did those worms fly At least they won’t be blown And maybe they wouldn’t die As I was blowing leaves I had to stop and look around So many things happening In the grass on the ground A teeny tiny flower I don’t know what it is I hope I can I D it I will put it on a Facebook quiz Then I saw the wild onion Growing every where Right in the middle of Anemone Probably choke them out, I swear I was dumping my bag of leaves And I couldn’t believe my eyes There were two daffodils Blooming where the water did rise It’s a runoff area From the streets above And there were those daffodils A surprise for me that I love On my way back up the hill I was startled to see Candy Tuft starting to bloom I smiled at...